If the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, is correct the residential real estate market will rebound in 2011. Buffet, in his letter to Berkshire Hathaway stockholders, thinks that the demand curve will turn at that state and the residential markets will start to improve. I am sure this news is not what real estate agents are hoping to hear. The housing market still has way too much overhang from foreclosures and short sales for buyers to have confidence investing in homes. Add to that a nervous economy, it would be foolish to think that all will be okay this summer.
"Within a year or so, residential housing problems should largely be behind us," Buffett wrote Saturday in his annual letter to the shareholders of his Berkshire Hathaway. "Prices will remain far below 'bubble' levels, of course, but for every seller or lender hurt by this there will be a buyer who benefits. Indeed, many families that couldn't afford to buy an appropriate home a few years ago now find it well within their means."
Record foreclosures flooded a U.S. real estate market already glutted with unsold property, causing housing starts to fall.
"People thought it was good news a few years back when housing starts — the supply side of the picture — were running about 2 million annually," wrote Buffett, 79, chairman and CEO of Omaha-based Berkshire. "But household formations — the demand side — only amounted to about 1.2 million."
So tighten your belt and continue to build your systems this year so you are ready for 2011. If you're interested in defining, planning or building your systems, let me know.
Best to you,
Jim Herrera
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