In this post, I'm going to link to several posts that describe how to use some of the major social network sites. The are good overall starter points and you can really benefit from taking a brief look.
eHow - How to use facebook
bNet - How to get started using LinkedIn
The following link is a little different. It shows how one journalist uses twitter for his profession.
twitter - How it's used for journalists
As you might guess when you read and review these websites, there are many ways to use social networking. How can one figure it all out?!

I am distilling these different general purpose uses and refining them for the real estate professional. We'll be conducting training classes, but more importantly, coaching solutions to help you implement social networking and get a positive return on your investment (ROI) of time, effort and money. For more information, drop me an email at
Also, take the opportunity to join the Real Estate Insights Social Network. There, you can post questions, create forums for areas of interest that are important to you. Right now, it's an experiment. I'd like any and all comments or suggestions on how to make the network something that real estate professionals, real estate consumers and real estate activists can use.
Jim Herrera
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